Il Castello Oppenweiler

Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG:

Owner: Artem Kolosov
Schloßstraße 7
71570 Oppenweiler
Phone: 07191-44700
E-mail address:​
Tax number: 955/406/2275

Responsible for the content according to §55 Abs. 2 RStV:
Artem Kolosov

Diese Website wurde erstellt von Filippo Randazzo.

Graphics & web office
Owner: Filippo Randazzo
Montessori Str. 17
71272 Renningen

Mobil: 0176-236.496.91
E-Mail: info(at)randorder.e

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In accordance with the regulation on online dispute resolution in consumer matters (ODR regulation), we would like to inform you about the online dispute resolution platform (OS platform).
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Impressum –
Il Castello Oppenweiler

Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG:

Owner: Artem Kolosov
Schloßstraße 7
71570 Oppenweiler
Phone: 07191-44700
E-mail address:​
Tax number: 955/406/2275

Responsible for the content according to §55 Abs. 2 RStV:
Artem Kolosov

Diese Website wurde erstellt von Filippo Randazzo.

Graphics & web office
Owner: Filippo Randazzo
Montessori Str. 17
71272 Renningen

Mobil: 0176-236.496.91
E-Mail: info(at)randorder.e

EU Dispute Settlement

In accordance with the regulation on online dispute resolution in consumer matters (ODR regulation), we would like to inform you about the online dispute resolution platform (OS platform).
Consumers have the option of submitting complaints to the European Commission's online dispute resolution platform at to judge. You will find the necessary contact details above in our imprint.

However, we would like to point out that we are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute settlement proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.

Liability for the content of this website

We are constantly developing the content of this website and strive to provide correct and up-to-date information. Unfortunately, we cannot accept liability for the correctness of any content on this website, especially that provided by third parties.

If you notice any problematic or illegal content, please contact us immediately. You will find the contact details in the imprint.

Liability for links on this website

Our website contains links to other websites for which we are not responsible. Liability for linked websites exists according to § 17 ECG not for us, since we had and have no knowledge of illegal activities, we have not noticed such illegal activities and we would remove links immediately if we became aware of illegal activities.

If you notice illegal links on our website, please contact us. You will find the contact details in the imprint.

Copyright Notice

All contents of this website (images, photos, texts, videos) are subject to copyright. If necessary, we will prosecute the unauthorized use of parts of the content of our site.

If you find content on this website that violates copyright, please contact us.

The content and works on these pages created by the site operators are subject to German copyright law. The duplication, editing, distribution and any kind of exploitation outside the limits of copyright require the written consent of the respective author or creator. Downloads and copies of this site are only permitted for private, non-commercial use. Insofar as the content on this site was not created by the operator, the copyrights of third parties are observed. In particular contents of third parties are marked as such. Should you nevertheless become aware of a copyright infringement, we ask that you inform us accordingly. As soon as we become aware of legal violations, we will remove such content immediately.

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551808229, 550874507, 486963943, 479471471, 488826389

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Stock Vector ID:
403677763, 2037296264, 1842538744, 1869715696, 1880793670, 1939377082, 1939376929, 1939376218, 1939213732, 1938416914, 1940915089, 1943779702, 1943780011, 1960367671, 1959889219, 1965355876, 1974757277, 1978747826, 1978747958, 1985017679, 1988102876, 1990445225, 1990445183, 1991261759, 1999002053, 2006288531, 2006289593, 2007133628, 2007133550, 2008209362, 2008789298, 2010248807, 2010650642, 2010650828, 2011586471, 2012651885, 2023606415, 2023692815, 2023692788, 2026254641, 2026844585, 2027291117, 2028998819, 2030681159, 2033174741, 2033174735, 2033225819, 2033225777, 2034874196, 2036083454, 2036840702, 2044772762, 2047248767, 2052456440, 2054850797, 2055013958, 2055622445, 2055622577, 2055308042, 2055687734, 2055825149, 2055785012, 2056364483, 2056601576, 2058179888, 2058313868, 2058553856, 2058553859, 2058597473, 2058618191, 2058885746, 2059549997, 2059549994, 2059733672, 2060216591, 2060109242, 2060217269, 2060403740, 2060698730, 2060785364, 2060926031, 2061353492, 2062153208, 2062567880, 2062990781, 2062567961, 2063966930, 2064021041, 2064197042, 2064277970, 2064278582, 2065847084, 2067523724, 2067524216, 2067590966, 2067843878, 2069078816, 2070872660, 2071203806, 2071038014, 2070874118, 2071203926, 2071273424, 1935209312, 2073497084, 2073642275, 2074471807, 2074498411, 2074548403, 2075808892, 2075808907, 2075808913, 2075808898, 2075828872, 2076363361, 2077071073, 2078179057, 2079483490, 2080383604, 2081343157, 2081343415, 2081375722, 2081480800, 2081480896, 2081490694, 2082126061, 2082171067, 2083228438, 2083838287, 2083838335, 2083887727, 2086419094, 1954994638, 2086454275, 2086484041, 2086484218, 2087327809, 2087275594, 2087339704, 2087358172, 1958951950, 1961019781, 2089677271, 1962268849, 2091070117, 2091088903, 2091088906, 2091089158, 2091088720, 2091101845, 2091101866, 2091101767, 2091101761, 1963336612, 2091113803, 2091122773, 2091122875, 2091122710, 2091122707, 2091324430, 2091629896, 2091332590, 2091681097, 2092690672, 2092692916, 2092786669, 2094183406, 2096420770, 2096420761, 2096425015, 2096420779, 2096429473, 2096429476, 2097549067, 2107590728, 2107591031, 2107590812, 2107590686, 2107721780, 2107752611, 2107752890, 2107807937, 2107808225, 2111780576, 2111812721, 2111812520, 2111878769, 2111878922, 2112040838, 2112040907, 2112313703, 2114939627, 2115399632, 2115400499, 2115433016, 2115433094, 2010248330, 2012652629, 2027353775, 1959000190, 2030680955, 1865819920, 1909512931, 2035452380, 2036038100, 2044772756, 2054941112, 2056230827, 2057816702, 2061402581, 2065969580, 2074522660, 2023606433, 2081366377, 2024919362, 2027291195, 2089677193, 2089663273, 2089909444, 2036083451, 1977208169, 2010311468, 2010650552, 1842537991, 1985485223, 2059047056, 2024919383, 2118449498, 2036546309, 2073642482, 2011682324, 1991691911, 2026195160, 2027353778, 2063966012, 2069221271, 2107591361, 1969520773, 2083142644, 2033691329, 1984202663, 1978748972, 2023693067, 2035420559, 2054897687, 2067523721, 2067892727, 1991843549, 2186518055, 519478768, 1744305473, 297213278, 2082566431, 2098642090, 1940914975, 1956319591, 1958364133, 1967109049, 1968263797, 1977208580, 1984203326, 1987089308, 1988761667, 1989701699, 1990445117, 1997564561, 1997564690, 2010311333, 1839240703, 2016106760, 1847464069, 2025246899, 2025246902, 2026195010, 2035420568, 2036840822, 2037535817, 2037596309, 2038227038, 2038227041, 2039775824, 2039845019, 2044488146, 2058179885, 2061402653, 2062553339, 2062990682, 1920087350, 2069179214, 2081480797, 2092851379, 2093735206, 2111812562, 1999976681, 2000183594, 2081480995, 2096429500, 2108299292, 1567751488, 572377249, 305025161, 2214795989, 1913051644, 2120094620, 1026192508, 127132286, 644618545, 1667101474, 1994166650, 1994167853, 1994166689, 1994167718, 434924578, 1688097547, 709627195, 1983945458, 623694164, 411233422, 774276244, 150090719, 1007498134, 149728808, 189492734, 1660500481, 490740547, 190903391, 2053681655, 751038571, 113189323, 728646730, 1855638832, 127461131, 123666853, 697684231, 1359380276, 1610688997, 427049326, 2099498383, 345857792, 1565116648, 166693304, 1096044341, 547044013, 1564027819, 1741421315, 2223955897, 113721796, 216013879, 2091589471, 398590579, 768938350, 494864797, 54996859, 534674203, 655068985, 132513458, 666184447, 470998538, 1516568177, 1103481548, 1077771782, 732092011, 729939451, 707279500, 670025932, 609881564, 522256684, 448847272, 445448368, 341396999, 178139912, 1419678521, 111146954, 140843824, 1216575280, 132513458, 219342688, 398590579, 781401994, 276150941, 449578963, 1050192452, 137999276, 651912238, 789831214

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